Saturday 16 October 2010

Dark Flame by Alyson Noel

I loved this story, it was so much better than her last one. Loads more happens and the spell that was said to have gone wrong in the last book, shows how wrong it did go. Roman seems to hold all the cards in his hands, especially now he has made Ever turn Hevan to an immortal. The pair don't manage to last long as firends once Roman stands between them and as the magic takes it grasp.  Thankfully Ever gets the spell under control after almost completely loosing it all together. Ever then learns that the only way she will ever get the antidote to the antidote is by saying to Roman, that she no longer plays by his mind games. She makes head way with her plan and takes Roman to the place where the only love of his life will be for the rest of forever, the place where all immortals go when they die for good, Shadowlands. The only problem is that Roman shows Ever the antidote and puts it in his pocket. Half way through Ever showing Roman the shadowlands,  Jude bursts in thinking Ever is in danger and kills Roman, smashing the antidote as he goes. Ever is beyond upset, more so as Hevan arrives and promises all kind of hell on both of them for killing Roman. Where will the next immortals book Night Star take us?