Friday, 19 March 2010

Blue Moon by Alyson Noel Chapter 1-17

SO the story continues, from where it was left off in Evermore. Only now Ever is an Immortal, she will live forever, without ever needing to eat as long as she contniues to drink the brew that Damen makes. Ever and Damen seem to be more in love than ever, and they even plan their tyrst the moment that over the last 400 years they have never got to as Ever has always been killed before the happy moment happens, but now there is nothing to stop them is there? Though a random new boy starts school called Roman, Ever gets a bad feeling about him but no one else seems to feel it not even Damen so Ever pretends to get along with him but she can't avoid the feelings she gets around him, on Miles opening night of hairspray, Damen and Ever have planned to spend the night together. Everything seems to be going well except for the fact that ever is sat between Damen and Roman, again picking up on bad vibes she doesn't understand. Ever is already worried about Damen from the fact he failed to activate the portal to SummerLand, the moments of blankness in his eyes, are made worse when he can't create a bunch of flowers for Miles, knowing his power is finding some kind of release Damen rushes off to get the car so they can escape for their night together, but he doesn't return, according to Roman he sped away from the venue. Ever refuses to believe him and maifests a car and drives every where she can think of to try and find him, but he has totally vanished, he isn't even answerign her calls. As Monday arrives Damen is at school but the thing is he doesn't seem to remember a think about his relationship with Ever, What happened to him the night he disspeared?

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