Saturday, 16 October 2010

Dark Flame by Alyson Noel

I loved this story, it was so much better than her last one. Loads more happens and the spell that was said to have gone wrong in the last book, shows how wrong it did go. Roman seems to hold all the cards in his hands, especially now he has made Ever turn Hevan to an immortal. The pair don't manage to last long as firends once Roman stands between them and as the magic takes it grasp.  Thankfully Ever gets the spell under control after almost completely loosing it all together. Ever then learns that the only way she will ever get the antidote to the antidote is by saying to Roman, that she no longer plays by his mind games. She makes head way with her plan and takes Roman to the place where the only love of his life will be for the rest of forever, the place where all immortals go when they die for good, Shadowlands. The only problem is that Roman shows Ever the antidote and puts it in his pocket. Half way through Ever showing Roman the shadowlands,  Jude bursts in thinking Ever is in danger and kills Roman, smashing the antidote as he goes. Ever is beyond upset, more so as Hevan arrives and promises all kind of hell on both of them for killing Roman. Where will the next immortals book Night Star take us?

Friday, 24 September 2010

Getting over Mr Right by Chrissie Manby

This book is a difficult one to discribe, it was entertaining, and annoying and at time you just wanted to scream at the main Character Ashleigh to get a life. Its about one woman's desprate way at trying to get back her looser ex, to be fair its a bit extreme and i would really hope that in real life no one would go that far, but fiction is drawn from life, so i guess there are people out there who stalk there ex's, beg for forgiveness, stalk there ex's new girlfriend, pay a thousand pounds to some witch to make a spell, spend £500 on new make up, loose your job after your insulting power point gets shown ti people it shouldn't and so on.

Its not a bad book but i can't really say i enjoyed it but then again i can't say that i didn't enjoy it either, maybe its down to the readers empathy for the main character, i had none for as i am pull yourself together kind of person.  Its worth a read, see what you think.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

chasing daisy by Paige Toon

Oh my god i love this book! Actually I love Paige Toon to be fair, you know what your going to get with a book by Paige and you are never ever let down. This book as it all the romance, the heart ache, tears and then the love! Its brillaint and to start with you really dislike Luis racing driver and man about town, you love Will also a racing driver for the same team as Luis, but is Will all he seems?
  Daisy is a bun tart, and relutant daughter of an evil billionaire, Daisy has had a turbulant life she felt unloved as she grew up, then she left home and went to work for Jonny Jefferson, falling in love with him and then had to watch him break her heart, now sworn off men, Daisy works in F1 and falls for Will who is dating his child hood sweet heart, heart break has to happen and it surely does. This story is written so well you'll laugh, cry and aww your way through it, its addictive and you just can't put it down once you start reading it. I really couldn't tell you enough time to read this book its amazing.

Friday, 3 September 2010

guitar girl by Sara Manning

this book is pretty old now and its the third time i've read it but i still love it, it has everything to keep you entertained if you love a good romance with a good amount of punky music with odd lyrics then this will be right up your street!  It might be classed as a young adult book, but to be fair i tend to enjoy those books better than adult books.
  If you love a story that has energy, powerful women, decentful music industry types and possesives parents then this should be the book for you.

Friday, 20 August 2010

Passion by Louise Bagshaw

Three pages and i gave up on it, but i might be tempted to go back and try again, i don't think its going to be my kind of book and i am going through a stage where i have had one book that i just adored and now no book can match it. so i am going to return to this one.

vampire academy by Rachelle mead

I have to say i gave up on this book, i didn't even read my usual 100 pages i just couldn't force my brain into it, it wouldn't have it so i have to give this book a big thumbs down.

Monday, 16 August 2010

pictures of lily by paige toon

I love this book, with Paige Toon you know that any book of hers that you read, you're going to love it. I was so excited to read this book and it didn;t disapoint either, it was well worth the wait.  This book goes to show that you shouldn't give up on the man your in love with, the story is a truely great little love story and it keeps you on the right path as to wondering if it all comes together nicely. I have to say from the the first time Ben was introduced into the story, i wanted him to get together with  Lily.

I don't want to ruin the story for anyone as its really great, all i can say is pick it up and read it, i think you just might love it lots as well.

Sunday, 8 August 2010

Art's Story by Kate Cann

Buy Art's Story

So the long awaited 4th book to the diving in serise has finally landed, i totally loved these books as a teen, diving in was the second only book that i had ever read from cover to cover and loved every second of the story. Kate Cann's books changed my life as a teen and i still enjoy reading then 11 years later.  Art's story fills in the blanks and answers the questions as to why ~Art is the way he is. Its a cracking little book and a nice soothing read, You can't hate Art as much as he's full of himself he's still lovable and you just know Coll's so good for him. This book aso give you the answers that in the Deep end left you hanging for. I just kind of wish you got more of a fluffy ending than a note saying what had gone for for the two of them after leaving uni, maybe there good be a book five being the adult or something where we can have the wedding and the birth of their baby, in a bit more detail.

I still loved the book, as i always do with Kate's books, i really hope this does well for Kate as she has released this herself on her own terms and its a great little story.

Rock Chicks by Ronnie Cooper

Where do i start with Rock chicks? I thought this book would have been awesome, as a bit of a Rock chick myself, but its true what they say never judge a book by its cover. I had to keep reading this book in hope it would get less confusing, it wasn't a bad story but it was hard to follow, there was too many peopel who all had to have a say and it was really difficult follow, but once you were into the characters know who you liked, who you hated (Sly Rammer) and who you just felt sorry for (Marney Tucker). it wasn't so bad, to be fair i guess it was a clear representation of a rockstars life, sex, drugs and rock and roll, just more of the sex and drugs than the rock and roll in the case of the steel spikes. You get everything from their deeply passionate manager Lori Wyatt, To their scum bag record company big wig, the hookers, the groupies and dealers. Oh and don't forget the woman who Sly ran out on, ot there wedding day, who has a serious axe to grind and when the story get decent in like 3 chapters from the end, we see Gloria grinding that axe, with a single gun shot to Sly's head, lets face it he'd been asking for some one to pop him all the way through, such a shame the author saved it until the second to last chapter. Its dark, really dark, its sick in more ways than one, its really confusing but its also capitvating and i think that is what makes you want to get to end just to find out what the hell it all means!

Monday, 2 August 2010

shadowland by Alyson Noel

Do you know i have written a really long review of this in a note book and now i have misplaced the note book, always useful, so i appologise for this book review being rubbish but i have lost the will to have to work my way through it again!

I thought Shadowlands was really disapointing, i expected better after Evermore and Blue Moon, And nothing happened by chapter 36 of 48 your wondering what the hell has happened from the first page this one and the true answer is nothing, the action if you can call it that happens in about half a chapter i do believe believe its chapter 47, but its just not as thrilling as the past books, i hope the next one picks up or i really will be annoyed. Its not a bad read, there's nothing at all wrong with the story or the characters its just very samey and nothing really happens, you do have to read it though if your following the immortals saga, the little action that does happen i guess will lead on in Dark Flame.

Here's hoping for lots better in dark flame when it is released in a few weeks

Monday, 19 July 2010

exciting reads not yet released

hard back out 14th Oct 10
Paper back out 1st Nov 10
Follow up from Hush hush

1st Oct 10 in UK
Book 4 of the immortals very excited about this one

Ghost town book 9 of the MorganVille Vampires, love this collection of books very excited about its release 1st Nov 2010

Stefans Diaries (The Vampire Diaries)by LJ Smith 4th Nov 10
The Vampire Diaries: Stefan's Diaries #1: Origins

The Vampire Diaries: Stefan's Diaries #2 by L. J. Smith, and Williamson &. Julie Plec Kevin (Paperback - 4 Jan 2011)
The Vampire Diaries: Stefan's Diaries #2: Bloodlust

The Vampire Diaries: Stefan's Diaries #3 by L. J. Smith, and Williamson &. Julie Plec Kevin (Paperback - 15 Mar 2011)

Midnight (The Vampire Diaries) by L J Smith (Paperback - 3 Mar 2011)
Midnight (Vampire Diaries: The Return)

New reads

Rock Chicks by Ronnie Cooper (Reading Now)

Pictures of Lily by Paige Toon

shadowlands- alyson noel

Vampire academy- Rachelle Mead

Frost Bite- Rachelle Mead

A Dead in the Family Charlene Harris

Book 10 of the true blood stories and though its a great as all the other books nothing really exciting happens until the last few pages, i seem to do really well at finding the new moon book of every author i read and this one though a good read and plenty mental images of Eric Naked is just a bit new moon.
So what can i tell you about the story well Sookie is recovering for the fairy war, her house mate Amelie leaves to go back to New Orelans after Katerina and then Claude comes to stay, Claude being Sookie's fairy cousin. Sookie sees Bill who is still struggling to recover from his silver poisioning he got during the fairy war, he seems to be refusing to contact his sibling that his maker created for him, this sibling being the only thing who could save him after since his maker was killed.
So Sookie goes about making herself try to find Bills Sibling, who she seems to find very quiickly, then erics maker turns up with his new sibling, who is part of the russian royal family who saw his whole family be murdered, but Ocella manages to save him, thing is Alexi is far more damaged than could ever be believed and he's crazed, as it comes to a close Eric is at a loss as what to do next to stop the crazed Alexi, who has attacked Eric, Pam, killed the barmaid and Eric's day guy. Sookie goes back to her place to see the crazed Alexi with a face off with Claudine's ex and Claude, the battle continue's Octella ends up dead, and so does Alexi along with Claudine's ex. thats the biggest bit of action in the book, but i would say there is going to be a book 11

Sunday, 11 July 2010

kiss of death- Rachel Caine

well the last book so far of the morganville vampires, anything seems to be as normal as it gets in morganville and michael, eve,shane and claire are off to Dallas so that he can record his demo. the girls are excited about going somehwere they can actually shop, where as Shane he excited at going somewhere that could mean he didn't have to return to Morganville. the downside is that Oliver is guarding them on their trip now it has to be a fact that nothign will go to plan.
Firstly Oliver takes them to Durrem where all hell breaks loose and they get shipped out of town, then once they find a motel Eve's car get attacked and set on fire, they sneak back into Durrem to get a new car on the way back out they get arrested for the people who set eve's car on fire going missing. Odly Morley is the one who breaks them free, but it isn't quite happy just yet as he also takes them as living blood donors as they look for some village to take over, Michael and oliver break claire free mid journey and then follow the bus into a villiage called blacke which has problems of his own, vampire sick ones turned not so long agao by mr bishop as he passed through, they help what is let of the community to help the sick vampires. but it isn't without a fight, in the end morley stays to lead Blacke. Oliver, Michael, eve, shane a nd claire head to Dallas and have a serious good time, but as the idea of not going back strikes them they get a call from Amelie who basically threatens them that they have to go back or it wouldn't end happily.

Friday, 9 July 2010

Fade out- by Rachel Caine

in a nut shell this book is really good maybe not as stunningly written as the others but still enjoyable. The reason its not quite as good as the others is that its a bit all pushed together in action, the a moment at the start whne Morely trys to attack amelie when she trys to end her days in the grave yeard beside Sam's grave. Morely then becomes a fixture as Ada the morganville computer turns evil and tries to kill claire and myrinn. That is a big past of the book but its slow when it finally happens its over to quick and its like what was all that about? great book though worth a read.

Saturday, 26 June 2010

carpe corpus by Rachel Caine

It all happens in this book, the tattoo that Mr Bishop put on Claire's arm seems to be fading which means he has less control. though he still seems to be able to pull the chain whenever he feels like it. In the background though Amelie, Oliver and Myrin are planning attack, they have to keep Clare out of the plan though unless Mr Bishop tries to make her tell him, Shane some how gets released from prison at the price his dad is turned into a vampire before him, following their escape Claire and shane take there relationship to the next level. Loads of things are mixed in to the mix including getting all the population at risk from Mr Bishop out of MorganVille. He doesn't like the happenings and calls a town meeting, one with deadly endings if it goes his way, thankfully it doesn't go his way and with a very lucky posioning unfortunately Sam dies but at least power is over turned back to Amelie, with the promise that Vampires and humans will live in equal power.

Its a great story I just love the way Rachel Caine creates tension

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Lord of misrule by Rachel Caine

Ok this book carries on from feast of fools and leaves us nicely in the middle of hell breaking loose as Morganville's power system breaks loose, not to meantion the fact that among vampires killing each other and humans, as well as humans getting in there best shot a massive typoon is on its way for nature to have its blast as well. Mr Bishop is doing all he can to get as many of Amelies vamps under his control, but now Amelies power is threatened a human force of nature also comes to play buffy the vampire slayer, yes Shane's Dad returns to try and but a stake through as many blood suckers as possible.
As the storm hits Claire manages to get herself bite by Nicholas and almost killed as the storms rips off the roof, the casulities of the storm are Mayor morrell who dies of a heart attack, the fight contniues and morganville appears that it will never be the same again, but claire thinks she can always Rely on Myrin, but can she? As he pushes her, eve and Shane through a portal that leads them to bishop, he tattoos Claire to be forever at his call from the pages on the book Shane has been keeping safe and throws shane in jail with his dad.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Feast of Fools by Rachel Caine

Mr Bishop seems to want to take over Morganville and turn it from it relative calm to the horror he believes vampires should ensure upon humans. So Amelie throws a masked ball, everyone seems to get an invite to the ball except for Calire and Eve, neither of them are very happy. eve gets herself an invite as olivers human offer to Mr Bishop. Claire is really annoyed that she is still the only one not to be going, even though Amelie has made it perfectly clear she is to stay at home with the door locked, thats never going to happen though specially with Claire, she goes to see Myrian and the pair cook up the idea to attend the masked ball, caked in their fancy dress they attend the ball. #some vampires refuse to swear fellowship to #bishop and also refuse to leave there human offer with him, Myrian takes his opportunity to kick it all off and starts the war. And war it is as the whole of Morganville starts to fall around them, how do they save Morganville and themselves from the evil hands of Mr Bishop?

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Dead girls Dance- Rachel Caine

Continuing on from The Glass House, Dead girls dance show us the darker side to Shane's dad as he kills Michael and tries to attack Eve and Claire, Shane however can't see the evil in his dad he thinks he has a reason to want vampire's dead the reason being the death of his sister and his mother, which more or less was down to vampires. So the new fight begins one that sees Shane locked up for killing Brendon, locked up in hope that his dad will be man enough to claim responsablity but if he doesn't within 48 hours Shane will publically burnt for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Claire puts herself on the line for Shane but not as much as Michael does as he begs Amelie to turn him into a vampire so he can help Shane whatever the cost maybe. So Michael is now a blood sucker, and after makin plans with the police to save Monica and free Shane, michael orders Eve and Claire to stay home he even takes Eve's car keys so she won't follow. Thing is they do follow Eve has spare keys and what they drive into a good job they do follow. The buildings are on fire, Monica, Richard, lowe,Hess and Michael are in side as dawn breaks michael escapes to his own version on flames, they safely get him into a tinted car and then Claire runs into the fire to Monica to save Shane, eventually she does they drive to the town square to swap over hostages only Shanes no longer there his dad broke him free, claire and co run to shane after over hearing about the old hospital , once there Oliver takes claire to use her to drag shane out it does but she gets free and the pair run into the hospital. Chased by vamps who weren't dusted by the sun. Once they get to the basement they realise shane's dad has lied again and will kill them all, claire luches forward and destroys the electic current so Shanes dad has to leave. They are all safe once again for now but Amelie has an offer for Claire. One her house mates won't like but one that will keep them alive. Claire has to sign over her body and soul to Amelie for protection, it's her only option right?

Monday, 7 June 2010

The glass house by Rachel Caine

Claire Danvers has always been bright so much so she's always been an outcast for it. Claire goes to uni two years early her parents however refuse to send to havard geek central instead she has to go to Morganville which is closer to their home, she also has to stay in dorms where tragically her dorm peers want to kill her. After chucking her clothes in the trash they push her down the stairs with the threat that she will die that night. Shaken Claire sees the campus doctor who patches her up, she has to get out of dorms she looks for house shares her eyes fall on one place she calls and is told by voice mail to stop by. So she goes to the house and meets Eve who takes pity on her bruised face and invited her in, where she meets Shane who is cooking chilli the only thing he can cook, Eve and Shane are happy for her to move in but Michael has to agree it, so after dark Michael appears he isn't happy about her sharing with them she's too young he agrees she can stay until she finds an alternative. The alternative never comes she settled in well at the glass house, one morning she wakes before dawn and goes Dow and witnesses michael keel over then vanish into thin air she's freaked what has she just witnessed? She soon realises the cold flush is michael and after a brief conversation with the now ghost michael she goes to bed, when michael comes back in his human form he tells Claire that a vampire tried to turn him but it didn't work so during the day he's a ghost and during the night he's human, he can never leave the house though as it's the house that keeps him alive, Claire promises to keep his secret. Monica the evil dorm girl who pushed Claire down the stairs is still after blood, her gang get to Claire when she goes to get her things from her dorm, she is fearful but thankfully gets away unscathed. The following day Shane accompanies Claire to classes it is in lab class that things take a turn for the worse as Jen one of Monica's gang tips acid over Claire's back. Things couldn't get much worse a town run by vampires psycho students running the school and a vampire who wants your blood it all happens in Claires life. While recovering from the acid attack Claire learns the vampires are after a book what it tells them no one knows and neither do the vampires as they can't read it. Claire decides the only way to save herself and her new friends is to fake a book that looks like the one the vamps are after, it's dangerous but worth a shot so she goes about trying to work out how to do it. A visit to the library proves useful she finds a floor that doesn't appear on the map she checks it out but can't get in as it's locked, determined as ever she goes to the lab and after a brief chat with her teacher leaves with some liquid nitrogen to freeze the lock open, once inside she finds endless boxes of pricessless boxes the vamps are. Searching to find the book she gets caught nosing around but bluffs it off with the help of her English teacher who is helping the vamps look through the books. All hell breaks loose when the teacher tries to steak a first edition book of the tail of two cities. The vamps don't like that so a fight endures which ends with Clare spraying them in liquid nitrogen so they can escap once in the lift the teacher tells claire to go to his house the book is blue and on the book shelf then he dies, she feels he means the book so she gets his address and meets Shane to break in after a little looking they find the book and take it home. That night Shane and Claire have a moment were they end up kissing. The following day Claire goes to see Oliver that's Eve's boss who said he could help her with anything she tells him she has the book and that she needs to make a trade with the top vamps. He says he needs to see the book. And will come to see it later on, Claire agrees on the walk home she is bundled into a van by Minica and her gang as they try to kill her again luckily the van crashed and Claire escapes but then she comes across things more scary as she gets home Oliver the evil vampire wants to see book michael refuses him access but Oliver uses dirty tactics to get eve to allow him in after a hard slap eve revokes her invitation but all hell breaks loose as monica sets fire to the house luckily they put it out and finally the book is given to Amelie who promises to keep it safe though claire, eve, michael and shane may no longer be safe.

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Friday, 4 June 2010

The vampire diaries the return shadows of souls by L.J Smith

So Elena and Damon are out on the road looking for the crossing laylines so they can cross into the dark diamension to get to Stefan. Along the way Elena and Damon become close, so close in fact that Elena gets to know the child Damon keeps locked inside him, his inner child of hopes and fears. Bonnie and Meredith turn up and join Elena and Damon as Damon's 'servants' into the dark diamension where Elena forgets rule one: no slave acts on their own will. As she jumps into save a pregnant slave who is getting beaten, Damon kills the slave owner as he turns on Elena. They save the slave but now Elena has to face punishment for what she has done. Thankfully after channelling the pain of the beating Damon takes on the slave and finds out she is actually lady Ulma who's parents had a mansion in the dark diamension they find the mansion which is in a state of disrepair but lady ulma remembers where her father hid jewels so prescious she was rich beyond her wildest dreams. Damon buys Lucen the father to lady Ulma's baby and the pair start life together helping Elena and co get the fox key to save Steffan the first key is found following the riddle given by masio but it isn't without danger as Elena and Damon almost die, but the second half of the key is harder to get as it is in Buddweriser's nest she happens to be a psychtic bird but Elena risking her life managers to get the key and join it together it firms a ring which will unlock Steffan's cell. Now it's a fight for life to get to Steffan. They do and manage to save steffan just as they are about to get home the fox in the cell gives steffan a gift to open once he is home. So. Off they all go, landing back with stolen star balls back in Fells Church. To face synitchi who wants masio star ball he tries dirty tricks to get it but Mes Flowers and Matt are ahead and save the gang with special post it notes. The night passes and the following morning Damon opens Steffans gift from the fox and faces some odd reactions Steffan comes to find out what is wrong Sreffan is furious as Damon has become human. the foxes gift was humanity and now Damon has stolen it. how will the gang face the evil in Fells Church now Damon is human?

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Midnight alley by Rachel Caine

So claire has decided to take Amelies protection with her house mates knowing only problem is she has the beacelett to prove it and it can't ever be removed while your under protection. Hiding it isn't so easy especially when monica seems to want to be buddies and Amelie adds and changes your class lessons. The hardest lesson is taught by Myrin a vampire who is loosing the plot by the diesease all vampires will suffer if they can't find the cure. Myrin has a part cure but learning how to make it is difficult and Myrin can one minute be lucid and know everything and the next he wants to kill you, easy work then. Sam that's Michael's grandad is claire's watcher while she is with Myrin, but one dawn break Sam is hurt almost fatally but Richard Morrell is on hand to rush Sam to Amelie. It is claire however who has the pull the steak from his chest. Michael realises it was him who was target not Sam after the captain obvious article anyone could be after him. Then it's time for Claire to be honest with her house mates about the protection their not happy but seem to understand that choice at the time was little. Michael then becomes claire's watcher at Myrin's but that is after a run in with a very dangerous human. Jason Eve's brother who is not totally sain. That asside claire goes to her lesson with Myrin who has been caged for his own saftey. That's great until he breaks out in a fit of madness, claire calms in and the pair take the crystals he's made to cure vampires they work endlessly for hours and claire learns loads even a new language but the come down from the crystals is as bad as the sickness itself. Claire escapes taking the crystals with her. After that night Amelie sends word to not see Myrin for a few days, so life as it is in Morganville is almost normal. Except for the dead girl in their bin and the invite to Monica's party. Claire feeling reckless gives the invite to a geeky games player and tells him to spread the word she has no intention of going, not after the last party she went too. When she gets home it seems that her friends want to crash the party, so she agrees to crash. The party goes well except for the jocks trashing the house and Jason being there. Michael goes after him while Shane enjoys dancing with Eve and claire before ending up in a fight with some college guts who can't keep their hands to themselves. Michael still hasn't returned so they go to look for him finding all the debortury of a college party, they do however save a girl from being dated raped it makes claire sick not so long ago she was in that position set up by Monica. In the last room they find michael his vamp teeth out and a dead girl on the bed drained. Eve freaks and runs away Shane orders claire to leave but she knows Michael would never do that. She goes after Eve who Is under a tree in shock and crying. Shane comes to them and they leave before the police arrive carrying the drugged girl back to campus. Once there they have to get home and walking is there only option. But they are being followed one of the guys from the fight hits Shane round the head with a baseball bat and then worse still Jason appears there's a set too which ends with Shane getting stabbed. He's rushed to hospital, michael arrives and is quickly forgiven but the nurse at the hospital isn't nice there is something about her nut claire doesn't know what. She gets to see Shane for a little while then goes home to recieve a letter from Amelie about Myrin, she has to go to him she encouraged the only taxi driver in Morganville to take her, there Myrin is angry but calms as he reads the letter and tells her Amelie must want her to die, thankfully she doesn't they take
more crystals and set to work on making more. When she leaves pc fenton is looking for her, her friends have called her in as missing, she jumps in the car and soon realises things aren't right fenton is captain obvious, his wife the nurse and a few others are vampire haters they want them dead. Starting with michael, it also appears that Jason is involved in all this too and Travis Lowe the nice police man but he's only there as they have lowe's friend Hess, a fight ensures Michael turns up to save the day and oliver kills off the evil ones. Shane comes home from the hospital, Claire hopes that it is the last they have to face but in morganville nothing is ever simple and this is shown when CLaire's parents turn up to tell her they are going to live in Morganville and Mr Bishop joins her parents, bad side is Mr Bishop is Amelie's father and he's evil and so are his side kicks Ysander and Francois, what do they want and why are they threatening the some what calm of Morganville.

Friday, 28 May 2010

Jonny be good by paige Toon

Sorry i am getting slack at updates, just far to busy at reading!!!!

Ok another fantastic book by Paige, this lady seems to be able to capture the magic in her writing which makes her books a capitvating read. Jonny be good is the story of a rocker, who likes the women, the drink and the booze, but can this ultimate rockstar be tamed? Meg hopes she can as she falls for her boss who loving calls her nutmeg. the pair share moments through out the book that make you just hope that something will come of it, but it when the Meg kidnaps Jonny from tour after his drug binge and takes him to the middle of nowhere in the lake district that the pair make love. This of course makes things difficult especially as Jonny just can't keep it in his pants. Along the way Meg has become friends with a friend of Jonny's from school Christian who seems to support her in a way Jonny just can't do. In the end Meg leaves Jonny to his own devices with his personal self destruction and moves back to the UK and begins working in a bar, a turn down from being a personal assistant of a rock star. Along the way Meg meets up with Christian and the pair end up flat sharing which of course leads to a romance blossomining. Then Jonny comes back, Meg is still drawn to him so much so that she considers ending it with Christian to go back to LA to be with Jonny, the pair have sex again and Jonny says he will wait for 24 hours for her to make up her mind, if she loves him enough, if she doesn't then he will move on. Christian comes home and Meg decides she is going to stay in London and lets Jonny go to move on with his life, then she finds out she's pregnant and she doesn't know who the father is but Christian doesn't need to know.

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Lucy in the sky by Paige Toon

I love this book so much, Lucy is a happy go lucky PR girl who is on her to Sydney for her two best friends wedding, just before she leaves London she recieves a text that blows her world apart, from her boyfriends phone a text is saying that someone has slept with her boyfriend but they don't approve of the sheets. Lucy is on edge from there on in and it apperent from that moment she has never trusted James, but as the story unfolds it shows that James is a sleeze back, while in Sydney Lucy falls for Nathan, Sam's younger brother, she holds back her feelings while she's there, and when she's back she can't shake her feels and she resents James more for it, but she fools herself into believing he would never cheat on her and he lies his way out of everything, it goes on her doubts, her feelings for Nathan out weighed by her feelings for Nathan. Then word gets to her that Nathan is coming to the uk, when he arrives Lucy goes to meet him and then falls asleep in his bed with him, when she wakes up she scribbles him a note and leaves, all hell breaks loose from then on she tells james that she is actually in love with Nathan and he demands that she no longer sees, dumbly she stays away then her dad dies, James refuses to go to the funeral with her so Nathan offers, this is first time that feelings actually show between the two, but as confused as she is over everything she pulls herself further way from Nathan, until the two end up kissing that makes up her mind that she will leave James for Nathan, but as she tells james this he begs her back and stupidly she listens, until the day before she meant to go to James' parents house when her work mates tell her that James has a reputation and apperently sleeps with anything with a female pulse, it comfirms everything she suspected and now she has to face it down, she goes to james' works drinks and all hell break loose as zoe james' work mate confirms Lucy's worse thoughts, after a rucus she escapes with chloe and calls Nathan to pick her up as he does James become violent and hit Nathan, Nathan retalate and smascks him in the nose breaking, the two then escape to Somerset for Christmas with her parents.
Nathan and Lucy finally talk about there feelings for one another and take their relationship to the next level, the difficult part is that Nathan is going back to sydeny, lucy realises that as long as she with nathan she has everything she could ever want

Thursday, 22 April 2010

The Hollow by Jessica Verday

Ok i read all this book as it was such a page turner i couldn't stop i just loved it and that is why it totally breaks my heart that its the worst ending i have ever read, even worse than L.J Smith's last Vampire Diaries and that was bad. I know there is going to be a follow up but after such a breath taking story don't end the bugger like that! I didn't actually think i was going to enjoy it but i like to be surprised and i was, and enjoying it wasn't the only surprise i got finding out Caspian was actually a ghost was a pretty big surprise i actually thought he was an angel, not a ghost thats kinda boring really, but i kept with it even through abby's endless on goings about her dead mate Kristen,i think it was the whole will abby and caspain get it on or won't they that kept it a page turner, without that it would have been as stale as some other books i have read recently. I don't really know what else to say there's too much to talk you through it bit by bit, but please do read it just don't be disappointed by the ending as it is rubbish

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Fallen by Lauren Kate chapters 18- the end

well were to start, the action has gone on for the last 11 chapters. Things get even more dramatic as Cam seems to become more and more dangerous, Luce is really scared as she finds out about her past lives, her lives that have recurred every 17 years, her life which has past once she knows that Daniel is a Angel, fallen of course, but things are different this time and its unsure as to why, she runs away from Daniel and goes to her room and finds the missing book about Daniel, she is faced with so much firstly a photo of herself and Daniel for their romances past, she cannot but help believe what is written there, she has to find Penn and quick.
On her look out for Penn, Luce finds herself in the library with Miss Sophia who seems more that willing to help her out, is she too willing. They go on the look out for Penn, making their way to the grave yard they find Penn who is in shock after seeing the starts of hell breaking loose before her, the go down into the cemetry and find Daniel, who is still surprised that Luce is alive and that she actually came back, Cam then finds them and th threat of all out war breaks out, Gabbe and Arrienne appear to help out their angels too, it turns out that cam, Molly and Roland are the bad side of fallen angels. Miss sophia says she will take Luce and Penn somewhere safe, so they go off, but Penn gets struck with the force of the fight, and has to be carried to safety once there, Miss Sophia slits her throat and takes Luce prisioner. She wants to kill Luce becuase this time Luce would not return as all the time before she has been brought up relgious and baptised, which means once she dead her soul will not be reborn. Luckily for Luce she saved, by Daniel, unfortunately Miss Sophia escapes, she's an elder who has gone bad. Daniel convinces Luce to leave and sets it up that Mr Cole the history teacher takes her away to safety.

I cannot wait for Tormented

Monday, 29 March 2010

Fallen by Lauren Kate chapters 1-16

I totally love this book, its amazing. Luce has had a rough life constantly haunted by the shadows those dangerous shadows, that has she gets older take a sinister turn, that ends up with her boyfriend Trevor dying in a fire at camp, but Luce doesn't know how or what happened, after being accused of his death she gets sent to Sword and Cross reform schoool, where on her first day she realises life will never be the same again but is unsure as to why. She meets Arrienne who seems to be amazingly crazy, she gives Luce a back ground information setting to the school, that Luce is unsure of how to take. Then her eyes fall upon a gorgeous boy, who at first smiles and then insults her by flipping her the finger, though this was very wrong it made her more interested, her first day is hell which involves Molly and an incident with meatloaf. The more people she meets the more she realises that this school is never going to be the same again.
She then meets Penn who isn't actually a reform kid but attends the school as her dad used to be the land keeper of the school until he died, and now she doesn't want to move away as this is the only place she feels close to her dad.
The girls attend Cam's undercover party, which seems to have every student there excep poor Todd who was collar by the teacher at the social event, Luce starts to enjoy her self but keeps her eyes on Daniel the guy who flipped a finger at her on her first day, she follows him out of Cam's room and over hears a conversation he is having with Gabbe that makes it seem as tho they are both together which makes Luce feel ill.
After a killer early morning fitness session Penn offers to help Luce find out about Daniel, later they go to the file room and look into his notes which says very little about him, other than the fact he's in the reform school for jay walking and other smalll crimes hardly worth him being in there, there is nothing on his family life and according to his notes he is an orphane. The two almost get court by miss Sophia, who is carrying down huge boxes, Luce escapes but Penn stays she can get away with being in the restricted room, it is there that she finds more information out about the new arrivals. What she finds obviously means something that Luce, Gabbe and Cam all came from the same kind of area but Todd, further more adding to the strangeness Daniel, Arrienne and Molly turned up for the same area too on the same day.
Luce knows it means something but she can't put together what, as Penn and Luce extend there search, Penn find a book written by a D.Grigori it has to be a realtion to Daniel and they have to find that book, the only thing is its meant to be in the library but its gone missing, as Penn leaves Luce to ask Miss Sophia about it thick smoke appears almost from nowhere and Luce realises the library it on fire, on her escape she bumps into Todd, the pair try to escape the burning building via the fire escape, the walls seem to be closing in on them, then they break through to the stairs, thats when all hell breaks loose, Luce falls down the stairs and the next thing she knows Daniel has her in his arms kissing her gently wrappping his wings around her, wings she's seen the outside of or a reflection of before. She wakes up in hospital with Gabbe doing her nails, and Arrienne Penn's there too being supportive, as the police come to ask her questions about the fire and about Todd's death, Randy scoots all the kids out of the room and then brings in a punch of peonies from Daniel, her favourite flowers but how did he know there were and where did he get them from.
Back at Sword and Cross things get better but more confusing as Cam becomes more demanding of her attention, and then a fight breaks out between Daniel and Cam that blows her mind, makes her realise that she has to stop whatever Cam thinks is going on and tell him that Daniel is the only one for her. But is Cam really what he makes out to be as a black sudan picks Luce up she questions herself on if she should really go, but find herself on the way to a run down shack of the bar run by a bloke who doesn't seem to mind his underage drinkers, again Cam starts another fight with a oily meaty old man, Luce runs away and is saved by Daniel, who just happens to know exactly where she is, they drive to a beach and chat and end up kissing, more than that Daniel seems very surprised she is still there after he has kissed her. The following day she meets Cam in the cemertry to tell him to leave her alone she wants only Daniel, she tells him about the kiss and he says he won't let her go until she kisses him against her best will she kisses him in hope to get away from him, Daniel and Gabbe turn up to sort out the problem, Gabbe fights Cam as Daniel and Luce move away to talk, about the past the very distatnt past, Daniel is immortal and every 17 years he meets luce they fall in love and then she gets taken away as in dies, so over the years Daniel has started to protect himself but it always happens the same, the thing is now he's kissed her and she's still alive he doesn't understand it and neither does she, its a lot to take in and understand.

Monday, 22 March 2010

Blue Moon By Alyson Noel Chapter 18- the end

wow that is all i can say, this story gets mega weird but in a good way, Damen goes from bad to worse in his behaviour, which pushes Ever to seem ever crazier to her one time friends, she and Ava break into Damen's house after she is convinced he is being posioned by Roman, she tries his Exlier and realises that he is indeed being poisened. The only downside is that Damen catches them, making her task to changed poisoned exlier for clean exlier even more difficult. Ever knows that Roman is the bad influence, she just doesn't know how to stop him. After serveral visits to Summerland it appears that Ever can turn back time and go back to before her family died before she met Damen before her life fell to pieces.
She then learns whilst in Summerland she learns how to safe Damen and make an antidote and how to make the exlier, her only hope now is that Ava can help her get everything she needs, Ava is very useful she has all the herbs and crystals and even has the information on the next blue moon when all this has to be done by. The shock for Ever is that she has less than 24 hours to make it all work, creating the antidote, exlier and stopping Roman, first of all she makes the antidote and the exlier, with that ready she goes to school and works out how to stop Roman's influence, which she managers to do. Damen then appears old haggered and dying, Ever takes him to Ava, resting him in the pure room, she tells Ava that she has to give him the antidote after the moon has shone on it, then after three days she has to give him the exlier.
After that Ever goes to face Roman, who isn't at his home so she empties his bottles of exlier and then takes herself to Summerland to go back to her past life. Romy and Rayne the weird twins she met in Summerland attempt to stop her going but there is nothing they can do and before she knows it she is transported to her old life with no memeory of what has gone before. It takes you back to a chemistry test and a discussion with her old best friend Rachel, and brings her back to her boyfriend, who she knows she should have feelings for but no longer does. The relationmship between the two is brief but Ever and her family go away to the lakes and enjoy a weekend, on there way back home Riley comes through and talks to her, telling Ever she has to go back, that what happened was always destined to happen, Ever doesn't understand, then a lorry comes out and smashes through the car, Ever wakes up screaming in her new life with her auntie Sabine. Who has made her brownies just like her mum used to make, she quickly tries them and scoots off to Ava's wondering if all worked with Damen, but when she gets there Ava isn't home but Roman is there, she works out how to kill him, but then eventually gets into Damen who is supported in a safe circle by Rayne, Roman treiws to make Ever believe him and unfortunately she does, runs through the safe circle breaking it and giving the antidote to Damen, then Roman tells her that she can never have a proper relationship with Damen now as if her DNA passes to him he will die. She can never kiss him, hold his hand or sleep him. That is of course unless she tracks down Roman who may have an antidote to the antidote. Hmmmm He's a tricky character isn't he? great story though very much enjoyed it can't wait for Summerlands.

Friday, 19 March 2010

Blue Moon by Alyson Noel Chapter 1-17

SO the story continues, from where it was left off in Evermore. Only now Ever is an Immortal, she will live forever, without ever needing to eat as long as she contniues to drink the brew that Damen makes. Ever and Damen seem to be more in love than ever, and they even plan their tyrst the moment that over the last 400 years they have never got to as Ever has always been killed before the happy moment happens, but now there is nothing to stop them is there? Though a random new boy starts school called Roman, Ever gets a bad feeling about him but no one else seems to feel it not even Damen so Ever pretends to get along with him but she can't avoid the feelings she gets around him, on Miles opening night of hairspray, Damen and Ever have planned to spend the night together. Everything seems to be going well except for the fact that ever is sat between Damen and Roman, again picking up on bad vibes she doesn't understand. Ever is already worried about Damen from the fact he failed to activate the portal to SummerLand, the moments of blankness in his eyes, are made worse when he can't create a bunch of flowers for Miles, knowing his power is finding some kind of release Damen rushes off to get the car so they can escape for their night together, but he doesn't return, according to Roman he sped away from the venue. Ever refuses to believe him and maifests a car and drives every where she can think of to try and find him, but he has totally vanished, he isn't even answerign her calls. As Monday arrives Damen is at school but the thing is he doesn't seem to remember a think about his relationship with Ever, What happened to him the night he disspeared?

Monday, 15 March 2010

The Vampire diaries- The return on Nightfall by L.J Smith Chapters 25- The end

Ok so first off i want to say this book is like New moon, totally pointless where nothing happens at all its boring and endless. This book you can tell there was a long time between writing of the last book and this one, I just hope the next one isn't as boring. I can't even tell you anything about the rest of the book as it was so pointless, which is really dispointing after really looking forward to the book.

Monday, 8 March 2010

The vampire diaries- the return of nightfall by L.J Smith chapters 10-24

Well things in Mystic Falls just gets weirder, Damon has been taken over by the Malach but he seems to be doing well at fighting it until he meets another supernatural being in the woods who seems to glamour him into doing things that as evil as Damon is he wouldn't normally do. As the Trees attack Bonnie, Matt and Meredith, Damon watches over them while Bonnie calls for his help, eventually he saves them and takes them back to stefan's and sucks out some of the poison from Bonnie before feeding her to bring her back completely. I have to say the trees attacking the characters and a few of the other chapters where a bit New Moonish to me like there's no end in sight and you feel bored, but thankfully when Elena gets her power of speech back it seems to get a lot better, but Damon's scheming takes a turn for the worse and as Stefan goes missing it looks as though Damon's involved some how even though he has fully protected himself ago be ainst anyone finding but has he protected himself enough? Elena knows that something bad seems to be possesing the girls of the town Caroline has lost it completely, Tami and Isobel seem to be going the same way but what is and how do they stop it? No one seems to know up steps good old Mrs Flowers who turns out to be a witch, one who has lived for a considerably long time, and has Meredith and Bonnie escape an attack of the bug like trees again, Mrs Flowers offers her help to make sure Elena and Matt are ok, firstly though Meredith has to check the back up files on the computer, where she finds Stefan's real letter that hasn't been edited by Damon and she finds the website that says it can turn a vampire back into a human.
They have to get to elena and quick, the only problem is Damon has her and Matt, racked in pain for disobaying him, Elena realises this isn't really Damon but she has no way to escap him and no way to back through the evil taking over him, will they suvive?
Damon feeds on Matt and some how Elena talks him into putting Matt into her Jag and that the two of them go for a drive in his fararri. But Damon has another idea and feeds from Elena too, she plans to escape him she doesn't know how she gets away without him hearing her thoughts but she does and as he takes a corner she jumps out of the car, hurting her arm and her leg in the process. She has to get to the Dunstan's house though for help. Damon wakes up driving into the sun, with no idea what he's doing driving in the car, more so he doesn't understand why the passanger side door is open. He finds a strand of hair and knows instantly that its Elena's his vampire skills allow him to turn the car round he goes to find Shinini when he finds him he threatens to kill him, if he doesn't tell him were Elena is, there's a bit of banter that goes on between the two of them, while Elena becomes more lost is the woods.

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

The vampire diaries-the return nightfall by L.J Smith chapters 1-9

So Elena got turned into a vampire, then she died protecting Stefan, then she came back as a spirit and now for this book she's back as a human with skills after the spirits sent her back. There is something weird going on in Fells church and it starts with Caroline Forbes, who seems to have something evil going on with her mirror, Damon is enthralled watching what goes on, the only thing is he seems to be getting dragged into the evil also. Stefan is worried about Elena as she hasn't fully converted over from her spirit to human self, she has forgotten lots of things and she can't speak, she speaks to stefan by the thoughts and pictures in her head. Her friends Bonnie, Meredith, Matt and Caroline go to visit Elena but all hell breaks free as Elena kisses Caroline and she takes it as something disgusting, this is when all of them get see that something evil is flowing in the back ground, when Caroline spooks up some black magic. As bonnie and Meredith go home they have and sleep over which ends in Bonnie having a message from the other side, one that is passed on to Meredith. She works our that it is all backwards, and after taking some time to work through it all she gets the message put together, the message is something they have to tell Stefan. The following day they pass on the message to Stefan, who thne in turn tells them he has to take Elena away from the evil in Fells church as he feels she can never be safe there. Bonnie is gutted that she is going to loose her best friend, on the way back from stefan's Matt, Bonnie and Meredith are invovled in an accident, which seems more than a little odd as a tree seems to be trying to kill them. Just what is going on in Fells church?

Saturday, 20 February 2010

~Evermore by Alyson Noel chapters 15- to the end

Oh my god how good is this book, so Ever and Damen are dating and its going well but she knows he is hiding things from her and the more she tries to dig the more he won't say. eventually he admits to being an immortal which is considerably different to being a vampire, he also admits that he saved her in the car accident and brought her back, but in Ever's delicate condition she doesn't want to hear, they fight and she ends up telling him to leave her alone, he does and she is back to her normal self, well almost she is still unfortunately stuck with the noise of everyone's thoughts and the blinding colours of their aura's. Thats when her friends Haven and Miles encourage her to go to festival, which is the start of her dark stage as she realises that vodka is the answer to blocking out others peoples thoughts and aura's, that one nights ends in her getting expelled from school and almost dying at the hands of Drina. Drina controls ever's mind and leads her to a canyon, where she reveals it isn't the first time she has killed ever over the past 600 years, just when all looks at though she will die, ever goes back to her last happy moment the moments before the crash and out of nowhere she is saved into Summerland where Damen is where there is the power to do just about anything possible. The land where she went when tha crash happened, and Damen found her and in turn saved her as he couldn't possibley loose her again. It gets a bit deep as he explains the two worlds put stick with it, its well worth it. Everything goes back to normal after that, Ever even goes to see Ava for help with her sheilds, its is then they chat about Riley and that really she should go to join their parents and Buttercup, Ever can't deal with this and after learning how to sheild she leaves Ava. As a few weeks pass by Ever realises that she has said goodbye to the wrong person, she gives Riley the goodbye speech telling her to go ad by with their parents, its all very sad, but she goes. It is then that, which makes her decide to call Damen back but as she opens her eyes he isn't there, she panics that she has left it too long. Going downstairs she comes face to face with Drina who is back to finish as she started. After a show down of sorts Damen appears and with one punch and show of true love Drina dies. shocked but happy Ever tells Damen that she loves him and so happily ever after starts from now, or does it it? We shall in Blue Moon

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Evermore- Alyson Noel chapters 8-15

Damen is acting weird, for what seems like no apperent reason, he's flirting with the enemy producing rosebuds for Stacie and sitting at her table at lunch. So as much as Ever likes him, she pulls herself away from her feelings for her own good, she goes about planning valentines day her auntie has given her the card and told her to go wild that has to help her deal with her feelings. so after lots of planning and work witht he help of her dead sister Riley, then as the party begins, Ever's crazy friend Haven brings her codependent friend Evangeline, then Damen turns up more scary his outfit is the other half to Ever's costume character. She tries to ignore him, to avoid anymore conflicts with Haven, but conflict has to happen doesn't it and it does as Ever and Damen kiss by the pool and get seen by Haven, who is angry to say the least but tries to cover it, excusing herself from the party as she is going to another party with Drina, Drina is the redhead friend of Damen who seems just a little bit on the evil side. Actually forget seems a little bit on the evil side, she's very evil, and she seems to have some kind of hold over Damen. After the kiss at the party it seems that Damen has given up on school, but he does show up to break her free of an afternoon of school and takes her to Disney Land, on the drive home she looses Damen on the drive and gets a phone call for Haven, who is worried about Evangline who hasn't been seen by anyone since the halloween party. The next day at school Damen is still a no show and it appears that Haven is turning into a mini me of Darina. There's something strange is going on but Ever can't put her finger on it.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Evermore by Alyson Noel chapters 1-7

Ok Finally after two books i struggled with i find one that drags in straight away, woooohooo!!!! I was addicted to Evermore by the time i was half way through the first page. Alyson Noel is just a an amazing author, she brings charaters to life quickly.

We first meet Haven who is a slighty gothic but all the same warm and caring girl, who cares deeply for Ever, but Ever has a way of knowing things about people, that others may find just a little bit weird, she can hear what is going through someones mind and she also sees there aura, this hasn't always happened though, this only happened after her whole family was in this accident where they all died but Ever, and now she has these extra talents as well as seeing and regularly talking to her dead sister.
Oh yeah it all happens for Ever, the once mega popular blonde beauty who everyone wanted to be and every guy wanted to date. Now though, she prefers to go under the radar as much as she can, living her life under her hooded tops and ipod firmly in her ears trying to drown out the volume of her class mates endless ramblings in their minds. Until a very gorgeous Damen turns up, he has a lot going for him many for the fact that when he talks to Ever everyone's brains shut up and all goes quiet, she feels warm and tingly, only problem is he hasn't got an aura and those who don't have aura's are dead.

There is so much to say about this book but i will go into more detail in my next review

Monday, 1 February 2010

Uninvited by Amanda Marrone

ok i can't even start to talk you through this book, its shocking, the narrator is boring self obseesed and a total junkie and drinks to get through a day. I spent most of the book hoping that her ex Michael Green who has died and reappeared as a vampire will rip her throat out just to make the story more exciting.

For a little book it has never taken me nearly two weeks to read it, i wouldn't advise this book, i am so pleased i got to the end of it, i love books and usually keep them but this one is going to tesco charity sale with pleasure.

Thursday, 21 January 2010

All I want for Christmas is a vampire by Kerrlyn Sparks chapters 7-end

Ok so I have written much about this book and i haven't been as strict as I have with past books chapter wise, but I have to say its a good thing, it still takes a lot of getting used to with the Scottish accent, because there's a mix of American English and then really strong Scottish you do wonder what planet your on when reading it, you really have to read the Scottish bit with an accent just to understand it.
The story is really good, its bad vamps meets good vamps, with a human love interest for Scot vamp Ian who has taken the stay awake drug to age him from 15 to 27. Toni is the human guard who hasw been brought in to protect the vamps during the day, part of her contract is not to fall for a vampire but she does, she falls for Ian. the pair fight there feelings for each other, until a church service where Toni gets upset, by something the vicar says, Ian goes out to see if she is ok, the pair end up kissing and get caught by Connor. Toni's job looks in the balance but Ian talks Connor out of it. Toni then talks Ian into helping her save her best friend from the mental hospital her evil uncle has put her in so that he can get his dirty hands on her trust fund. Ian does save Sabrina, and Teddy who is another inmate. It take Sabrina a while to get her round Ian being a vampire, but being attacked by one it wouldtake a little bit of getting used to to know there is a section of vampire's who are good. Not on does she have to cope with the fact that vampires exist but she also has deal with the fact that werewolfs exist as well and her other best firend Carlos is one of them. this both Sabrina and Toni find out at the vampire club when the Malcontents attack, thankfully they all escape unharmed, but Ian realises that Sabrina, Carlos and Teddy cannot rmal live and return to normal life so he takes them back to the surroundings of vampire head office. Ian knows that this is far from the last attack from the Malcontents and he has to keep Toni and her friends safe. As the story goes on, Ian goes to Sabrina's uncle's house and gets him to call off the police search for Sabrina and also gets him to hand over her money and her passport and give her the free life she deserves. Mean the Malcontents attack the day house but get nothing. The good vampires however get on with planning christmas and there party, which goes ahead with them all dressed as Santa and Toni Dressed as an elf. Ian and Toni manage to break away and get some time alone, to get closer and more sexual together, its kind of kinky but dead sweet until the Malcontents attack again and Ian has to leave Toni half way through but the bad gets get sorted out which is lucky, but it does end therer. After more failed attackes by the Malcontents, and another romantic session for Ian and toni where they have sex all day due to Ian taking the stay awake drug to do so. The Malcontents strike that night at the vamp tv studio's and threathen live on air to kill all the vamps in the studio if ian doesn't take them the drug to stay awake. Well what can Ian do he has to save the vamps. So he goes to the stduio with the good vamps and Toni, to save the day, under the watchful eye of every vamp in the world. Toni, Carlos, Howard and two vamps manage to take over the control room and change the tv to th outside broadcast where millions of vamps have appeared to save Ian from b eing hurt. but the Malcontents threaten to kill him if they do not get put back on tv, so they have to go back to the stduio where Ian passes on what is believed to be the stay awake drug, the malcontent takes it and believes thathe is unkillable. He says he is going to kill Ian now, toni cannot stand it and puts herself in the libe of danger for Ian. She over powers the malcontent trying to get into her head and kills him but the down side is he mangers to stab her. Ian takes her back to head quaters to be fixed. they manage to save her after a bad moment with Ian giving her blood tranfusion and Tino's help too. 'she makes a full recovery, as all she wants for Christmas is a vampire.

I really enjoyed through this book, it was worth the struggle through it with the accent, i would read more in the series.

Saturday, 16 January 2010

Alll I want for Christmas is a vampire by Kerrelyn Spark chapters 1-5

It took me ages to get into this book, possibly because I had to read it in a Scottish accent to understand a word of it or the fact I loved the last book I read so much. But I did get into by about chapter 3, when you get to know vampire Ian and his despration to fall in love with someone honest, intelligent and pretty but also has to vampire so he can be honest. When he meets Toni the new day guard, who is tough and can quite literally kick ass big time, he falls for her but the down side is she human.
Toni falls for Ian too but he's a vampire and after a vampire attack brought her here, to gaurd the good vamps who saved her from the evil malcontents, but she also has other ideas as well she needs proof that vampires exist, to save her room mate Sabrina from the nut case ward, she was also attacked my malcontent vampire's thing is though she told the hospital that who in turn now think she is crazy.

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Hush, Hush By Becca Fitzpatrick chapters28 - the end

Just when you think Patch has sorted the scary stuff, with getting Debria's wings removed, it gets worse. Nora gets a phone call from Elliot, saying she has to come to the school as he is there with Jules and Vee and if she doesn't come there is a tree waiting for Vee. Nora tells Patch all about it and he drives her school, he tells her to sit in the car and wait for him to check it out. But has he goes she gets a call from Elliot who says he can see her sitting in the car, she gets out and goes into the school, which is in darkness she wonders through the school and trips over Jules, who appears to be dead. Unnerved she makes her way to the library where she find Elliot dying, as she turns to leave Jules is stood there alive and well, he takes her to biology room and tells her that he is actually Chauncey the Nialphiam that fallen angels take the body of for a week, he can't kill Patch but he can kill her to get at Patch. Jules tells Nora all about her weakness and how easy it was to get into her head, she finds a scalple on the floor and sucessfully gets it and stabs Jules in leg and escapes she finds Vee and releases her, they try to escape but Jules finds them, Nora tells Vee to run and get the police, as she goes to the gym to try and hide in the gym lockers, but Jules is playing mind games making Nora believe the doors are locked. In the gym Jules tries again to kill Nora but luckily Patch is there, he jumps into Nora's body to give her the strength to fight Jules, but it can't last and Patch is thrown from her body too soon and is left with Jules, who has a gun. Nora climbs the bars to the air vent but half way up Jules messes with her head making her think the steps are pulling away from the way,
patch speaks to Nora and tells her its Jules and that its not real, she climbs up on to the rafters, the only problem is that Jules is behind her, He says he is going to kill her and that is when, she faces him with the fact they are both from the same blood, Jules is distracted enoough, that it gives Nora the chance to jump, she thinks she has died and is disorientated as she comes round in her room sore and stiff from the jump. Patch is sat across from Nora, He explains thats when Nora jumps Jules died also, she managed to stay alive becuase Patch wouldn't accept her sacrfice, which basically all means that Patch is a gardien angel now and he's the gardien angel of Nora, so that he can get close to her, he is rather suggestive towards Nora and the two become a proper couple. I loved this book, its an amazing read and a brilliant first time book from Becca, the end was a bit of a let down but it spoke to me that there could be book number 2 in the collection.

Monday, 4 January 2010

Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick Chapters 21-27

Nora is now a lot less well off than she was before after getting information from the waitress in Blind Joe's, Nora has a feeling that once again someone is watching her, nervous she rushes to the bus stop, once on the bus she gets a phone call from Vee, who says she is in Portland with Elliot and jules at a party, Nora gets off the bus in an attempt to get to Vee she asks the driver for directions, and then she bumps into an old lady who says she will give her information and direcortions to were she needs to be, but only if Nora gives the old lady her coat and her hat. She does this and then takes the directions the old gave her, just through the alleyway and black car pulls up and shots are fired, Nora looks around the corner, to see the old lady laid out on the floor a pool of red leaking through Nora's coat, she rummages through the pockets to find her phone, but it isn't there, she goes to the pay phone to dail for the police, she looks around and the old lady has vanished, shaken she calls Patch for help. He's soon with her and drives her back, but the car breaks down in the middle of the storm and they have to go to a motel. Once inside it appears the phone lines are down and they have no electricty either. They both shower to warm up and in a crazy moment Nora touches Patch's scares which reveals his secrets, she finds out that Patch is the one who wants her dead and that Miss Greene isn't actaully the new school therapist but an angel who is in love with Patch. She's freaked out and scared but Patch manages to talk her down, he lets her touch his scars again, this time she learns that he actually wantsto become humapan and how he has to do it. They talk about miss Greene or Debria as she is known,Patch realises the person trying to hurt Nora is Debria. Patch takes Nora home and tells her to lock herself inside when he has checked no one is there. She goes inside feeling nervous and scared, she goes to get something to eat then turns to see Debria standing behind her, Debria tells her that becuase Patch has fallen in love with Nora and that makes him want to stay on earth where he shouldn't be, Debria wants him back and she will kill Nora to get Patch back. She tries to stab Nora but luckily she escapes Debria but she had nowhere to run, she goes unpstairs and hides in the chimney, Debria starts a fire in thr room and Nora escapes to hide in her closet, Patch comes back to save her, she tell him that Debria was in the house and that she started the fire, Patch tells her to go to Delphic, she says she will but she doesn't she rings Vee's mum who says she has gone to the cinema with Jules, so Nora goes to the cinema to try and find Vee, she searches through one screen but can't find Vee, so she goes to look in the next again she can't find her, but settles down to watch the film, Patch suddenly appears and to get her to leave, after making some noise the people sat beside her complain, but Patch is playing with there minds so they can't see him, she has no option but to go with him, he takes her into the ladies and they discuss that he reported Debria to the arch angels and that now she has lost her wings as well, but her threat isn't out of the way, she's just not as dangerous as before.

Saturday, 2 January 2010

Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick Chapters 14-20

The story continues as you would expect, Nora is still unsure about Patch and Elliot> Nora has an argument with Macier in the library, nothing serious just bitchy comments the security guard chucks out Marcier and Nora leaves by the back enterence into the car park where she comes face to face with Patch, she tells him what has upset her and he offers her a lift home. Once back home Patch gets Nora to agree to go on a date with him, she can't refuse and so she does. As she's getting ready to go out with Patch she gets a visit, she rushes down the stairs is and answers it to see the two police men stood there, they ask her questions about her arguement with Marcier, who as it happens has been attacked, they seem to think she's done it. Nora says the only person she told was Patch and the police aSK IF he could have done this she lies and says and says no. Patch arrives shortly after the police leave and he takes Nora to the pool hall, where after a little tution from Patch, Nora bets with Patch that he won't pot a certain ball, he says if he does she has to take off her jacket, he of course pots the ball and she has to take off her jacket. Not learning from her mistake she rebets Patch but no bet is laid though Patch still pots the impossible ball, he says he will claim his bet when he feels there is a time. We then meet a friend of Patch's called Rixon, the two boys have a bit of a scrap which ends in Patch loosing his shirt, where Nora sees a V shaped scar on patch's back. Rixon says that Patch got his name when he was a bar knuckle fighter, he got Patch from the amount of times they patched him up. Patch and Nora soon leave and go to get some food. Nora is left in the car and while Patch is away she roots through his car to find something out about him, in the glove box she finds a touch it doesn't work but she feels something on it that feels like dried on blood, she panics did Patch attack Marcier? When Patch comes back she questions him she questions him, he is slightly angry that she has been routing through his things but he explains he went paint balling and the touch was a marker for the shots. Patch takes Nora back home and comes face to face with meeting her mum, which doesn't go all that smoothly. Once in her room Nora remembers the scares on Patch's back, she also remembers the pictures on the arch angel ride at the fair, she googles v shaped scares on a persons back and finds out that Patch is a fallen angel. For better or for worse, he cannot be trusted. The following day Elliot wakes Nora and physically attacks her her as she says that she won't go camping with him, Jules and Vee. Vee calls moments after Elliot has left, she meantions the camping trip but Nora says there is no chance after he attacked her Vee makes more excuses for his poor manners. Nora asks if she can borrow the Neon to go Portland so her mum won't see
milliage clock up, when Vee realises she wants to go to blind joe's to spy on Elliot, Vee isn't impressed, so Nora gets on the bus instead and finds Blind Joe's where the murdered girl Kjirsten worked, she ges a few answers to her questions for a high price from a waitress who doesn't seem to mind talking for an extra 25%, but what Nora finds out is pretty disturbing is Elliot really a murder?