Thursday, 24 December 2009

The vampire diaries the reunion by L. J Smith chapters 13- end

After Vickie's death Damon and Stefan have an arguement which leads to Damon leaving. Stefan, Bonnie, Meredith and Matt prepare themselves to fight Klaus Stefan recieves a gift from Klaus which says that he has the girl and will only let Stefan have the girl, if he comes to the old farm house alone. After an arguement with the others, Stefan takes off alone to face Klaus. Matt, Bonnie and Meredith go to the old farm house and hide not to far away, they can see Caroline, Stefan appears and faces Klaus. A battle of wits takes place, Bonnie faces death but luckily Matt pulls her out the way of a lightening bolt. The battle continues and Stefan takes a bad blow and faces death, luckily Damon reappears and puts a White ash branch through Klause. But it doesn't end there Damon gets hurt, Tyler reapppears in his wolf form and Bonnie tries to save Stefan, she screams for Elena as Klaus is about to kill Stefan, for the dark surroundings the ghosts of the past blood shed in years gone by, these ghost take Klaus to somewhere he can no longer hurt anyone. Elena saves Stefan, Damon and her friends, she faces going to rest in peace for the rest of time and as she dissapears Stefan shouts her and she comes back as human. Shocking her friends, the story leaves off with the rather open ending for the next story to continue. I totally live these books but I am taking a break from the vampire diaries until jan while I read a different book

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