Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick chapters 7-14
The story continues, in a very unobvious way, at the end of every chapter its like a mini cliff hanger. Nora and Vee go shopping but again Nora has that feeling she is being watched, she shares her fears with Vee who suggests that she takes Nora's coat and leaves the shop and see if the stalker follows her. she does this and Nora follows behind, realising the unknown figure is a girl, Nora gets in the car and goes to the cemetry, to be faced with Vee's hurt body, Nora calls for the paramedics and the police. The following day Nora, keeps calling the hopsital to check on Vee who has had to have a operation after her attack. After school Nora goes to the library to finish up her homework and to complete her review for the ezine. Nora comes across an article on Elliot the boy who has just joined her school, the article sheds light on why he left his private school, and that is becuase he was involved in a murder investgation. Elloit then appears out of nowhere scaring Nora. She makes her excuses and leaves the library, and goes to the hospital to see Vee, who tells Nora that the person who attacked her was wearing a black ski mask, Nora realises that how she had convinced herself that the car accident never happened is actually real. Things get creepier for Nora as Elliot and Patch seem to be as evaisive as each other. When Vee gets out of the hospital, they go to the borders where Patch works to find out more about the mystery man, the other problem is that Vee has invited Elliot. Nora feels very uncomfortable to be in his presence. Nora goes about asking questions on Patch, to find out that he is actually working and comes face to face with him. She then makes her excuses to leave the borders and Ellloit. Things become weirder, for Nora as she gets home to discover her mother home early for once, she spends some time with her before her mother's boss calls her back into work. Nora spends some time doing some homework before going up to her room to see a man in a black ski mask in her room that looks as though its been ransacked. The ski masked man jumps through the window as Nora runs downstiars to call the police. When the ploce arrive she shows them her room, which is perfectly tidy, with no sign of any intruder. The police fail to believe Nora's story about the ski mask man.
Sunday, 27 December 2009
Hush hush by Becca Fitzpatrick chapters 1_6
I loved this book from the first line it's based around Nora Grey who lives in the middle of nowhere her mother is a work aholic who is rarly home, Nora is basically kept an eye on by the house keeper and kept sain by her best friend Vee. But their biology teacher has other ideas and splits the class up from there friends to sit with someone else, where Nora meets Patch, who says this is the first time he's been to school, he seems to know a lot about Nora but doesn't answer her questions. Nora decides he's dangerous but she is also unspeakably drawn to him as much as she tries to ignore it. Vee doesn't make Nora feel any better as they go to the library and see Patch there, Vee says he's checking on books about stalking Nora. Vee lends Nora her car to drive home. Nora is thoughtful as she drives home, so thoughtful that she hits someone, she stops and person she hit gets up and comes to attack her warping the door of the car, smashing the window and grabbing Nora, she drives round trying calm down and ends up back at Vee's place when the. Girls go out to look at the damage of the car the only thing wrong with it is a small crack in the windscreen. Nora starts to doubt herself as to what actually happened
Thursday, 24 December 2009
The vampire diaries the reunion by L. J Smith chapters 13- end
After Vickie's death Damon and Stefan have an arguement which leads to Damon leaving. Stefan, Bonnie, Meredith and Matt prepare themselves to fight Klaus Stefan recieves a gift from Klaus which says that he has the girl and will only let Stefan have the girl, if he comes to the old farm house alone. After an arguement with the others, Stefan takes off alone to face Klaus. Matt, Bonnie and Meredith go to the old farm house and hide not to far away, they can see Caroline, Stefan appears and faces Klaus. A battle of wits takes place, Bonnie faces death but luckily Matt pulls her out the way of a lightening bolt. The battle continues and Stefan takes a bad blow and faces death, luckily Damon reappears and puts a White ash branch through Klause. But it doesn't end there Damon gets hurt, Tyler reapppears in his wolf form and Bonnie tries to save Stefan, she screams for Elena as Klaus is about to kill Stefan, for the dark surroundings the ghosts of the past blood shed in years gone by, these ghost take Klaus to somewhere he can no longer hurt anyone. Elena saves Stefan, Damon and her friends, she faces going to rest in peace for the rest of time and as she dissapears Stefan shouts her and she comes back as human. Shocking her friends, the story leaves off with the rather open ending for the next story to continue. I totally live these books but I am taking a break from the vampire diaries until jan while I read a different book
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
The vampire diaries the reunion by L.J Smith chapters 6-12
With Stefan and Damon back they take guard of Vickie who has lost the plot after seeing Sue's tragic death, Stefan goes to see Vickie to get more details on the murder, Vickie's description is patchy and not totally clear. Stefan and Matt break into the library to read the diary of Honoria Fell, Stefan seems to find some kind of explantion and a plan is set for graduation day. Bonnie and Meredith fake an arguement at the graduation day which goes to plan, then later Meredith goes to the grave yard to put here ribbons on Elena's grave, while she's there Tyler turns up and tries to attack Meredith. Bonnie, Stefan and Matt save the day and question Tyler about his werewolf roots and his allegions with the mystery killer. Tyler gives basic descriptions leaving nothing deffornate to go on, except that the killer is a vampire.
As they attempt to build more to work out who the killer is, Bonnie takes Stefan into her vision to see Elena, he sees her and they talk, Elena's fear is that he will return. He does and Stefan soon realises that the tall murderer is Klause the man who turned Katherine, the man who is now out to ruin Stefan for the way he treated Katherine and Elena killed Katherine. So the fight is on
As they attempt to build more to work out who the killer is, Bonnie takes Stefan into her vision to see Elena, he sees her and they talk, Elena's fear is that he will return. He does and Stefan soon realises that the tall murderer is Klause the man who turned Katherine, the man who is now out to ruin Stefan for the way he treated Katherine and Elena killed Katherine. So the fight is on
Sunday, 20 December 2009
Next reads
Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
buy Hush Hush here
All I want for Christmas in a vampire by Kerrelyn Sparks
Buy all I want for Christmas here
Uninivted by Amanda Marrone
Buy uninvted
Evermore by Alyson Noel
Buy Evermore
The Vampire Diaries- the return of nightfall by L.J Smith
Buy The vampire diaries
Kissed by an angel by Elizabeth Chandler
buy Kissed by an angel
The Hollow by Jessica Verday
Buy The Hollow
Frostbite by Richelle Mead
Buy Frostbite
buy Hush Hush here
All I want for Christmas in a vampire by Kerrelyn Sparks
Buy all I want for Christmas here
Uninivted by Amanda Marrone
Buy uninvted
Evermore by Alyson Noel
Buy Evermore
The Vampire Diaries- the return of nightfall by L.J Smith
Buy The vampire diaries
Kissed by an angel by Elizabeth Chandler
buy Kissed by an angel
The Hollow by Jessica Verday
Buy The Hollow
Frostbite by Richelle Mead
Buy Frostbite
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
The vampire diaries the reunion chapters 1-5 by L.J Smith
The reunion carries on from where the fury finished Elena is dead but not resting she visits Bonnie in her dreams a strange dream, where they have tea and eat sandwhiches and talk about hair until HE makes it difficult, Bonnie is confused and at a surprise birthday party Caroline throws for Meredith they contact Elena again through the oujia board. She tells them that HE wants them all dead and He has to be stopped the only way this can happen is by a summoning spell but HE interfers before Elena can say the rest. After a scary few moments in the dark and the death of Sue Carson, Bonnie and Meredith know what they have to do. With Matt's help they work out the things they need for the spell is blood and hair, they go to the tomb and scrap up some hair and some blood belonging to Stefan and go back to Bonnie's to start the spell at mid night. Stefan and Damon are in Italy, Damon is still a law unto himself with his feeding habits but at least he doesn't kill for kicks. Bonnie makes contact with Stefan and asks him to come back as Elena says they need him.
. The following day Stefan is waiting for Bonnie in the school, she gets Matt and Meredith they go to the old barn and see that Damon has also joined Stefan, the was Damon's not Stefan's so they both had to come. They tell Stefan and Damon all that has happen and ask them to help them. Stefan agrees but wants Bonnie to connect with Elena again to find out who He is, Bonnie refuses scared of what she could open up to get through. Stefan tries to understand and they agree the only person who actually knows what HE is, is Vickie who was in the room when Sue Carson was attacked.
. The following day Stefan is waiting for Bonnie in the school, she gets Matt and Meredith they go to the old barn and see that Damon has also joined Stefan, the was Damon's not Stefan's so they both had to come. They tell Stefan and Damon all that has happen and ask them to help them. Stefan agrees but wants Bonnie to connect with Elena again to find out who He is, Bonnie refuses scared of what she could open up to get through. Stefan tries to understand and they agree the only person who actually knows what HE is, is Vickie who was in the room when Sue Carson was attacked.
Sunday, 13 December 2009
The vampire diaries the fury by L.J Smith chapter 6 to end
Well it all happens in the last chapters Bonnie has taken the to the old church and they are by the tomb for the founders of Fells Church, they move the tomb lid and see that it has steps that go down they go down and are them faced with the ghost of Honoria Fell who tells them about the evil, soon after she does a tiger appears and Damon in his wolf form tries to fight it, Elena suddenly realises that the cat her sister had found and the owl have something to do with the other power, then she realises the other power is Katherine. Katherine is strong and takes control over them easily she ties Stefan, Elena and Damon to the Walls and reveals that she never killed herself and has watched them for centuries, she brought Stefan and Damon to Fells Church to sort out their problems but suddenly realised she had another Elena. Katherine hurts the three and discusses how she's going to kill them, giving Damon the option to save himself if he goes with her, at first it looks as though he will do it but he tells her to go to hell which really upsets Katherine and she attacks hi
when Elena comes round again Damon is on the floor free of him ties, but Elena and Stefan are still tied up Katherine however isn't there. Elena realises she could break free of her ties. When Katherine returns and enjoys saying how she is going to kill them Elena gets free she pushes katherine into the sun light endangering herself in return. Elena pulls the necklace from katherines neck and she soon turns to dust. Stefan pulls Elena back into the shade but it's to late, she's had too much unprotected exposer to the sun and dies in Stefan's arms. But Elena had saved the whole of Fells Church from being killed because she was brave enough to kill Katherine.
It's very sad but still amazingly written I can't wait to read the reunion now.
when Elena comes round again Damon is on the floor free of him ties, but Elena and Stefan are still tied up Katherine however isn't there. Elena realises she could break free of her ties. When Katherine returns and enjoys saying how she is going to kill them Elena gets free she pushes katherine into the sun light endangering herself in return. Elena pulls the necklace from katherines neck and she soon turns to dust. Stefan pulls Elena back into the shade but it's to late, she's had too much unprotected exposer to the sun and dies in Stefan's arms. But Elena had saved the whole of Fells Church from being killed because she was brave enough to kill Katherine.
It's very sad but still amazingly written I can't wait to read the reunion now.
Saturday, 12 December 2009
The vampire diaries the fury by L.J Smith chapters 6-12
Appearing at her own memorial Elena learns that people aren't who they seem, her best friend Meredith however seems to have pieced somethings together and Elena knows that the moment she mistakes days and places they practised for debating club. Bonnie gets another vision then all hell breaks loose as dogs start to attack there owners. Elena makes Stefan and Damon agree to work together to stop this bad force she can feel. They agree, later on she goes back to her home and sees her aunt Judith and Robert arguing and breaking up, she notices something but can't place it. Damon saves Elena from being spotted and takes her back to safty. Elena then turns to Meredith and Bonnie she has to appear to them she needs there help. With fresh clothes and friends on her side Elena feels better, the group tail there suspects who are Alaric Saltzman, Mrs Flowers and Robert but none seem to give any clues to being bad.
The night of Alaric's next student get together, the group all go, bonnie and Meredith down stairsElena and Damon in the attic. Meredith introduces Alaric to vampire Elena, after a little scuffle they realise Stefan is in danger as he has gone to meet Caroline. They all rush off to save him and it's good they do Damon turns into a wolf and holds off the adult men ready to kill him, Alaric makes the men see they are wrong and they leave. They then discuss what they think is going on with Alaric, he agrees to help them, they tell him to cancel the snow ball and if that isn't possible there has to be security.
Elena takes Stefan back to the boarding house to rest up, she had a terrible feeling that something has changed between them, while others things have got better, she can't really work it all out, Stefan encourages her to go and see Matt and talk to him as he has been acting oddly since the night in the dark room. She goes and talks with Matt and appologises for being a cow and how she treated him. Matt allows Elena to some more of his blood. The snow ball quickly arrives, Caroline is announced queen and all seems to be very quiet, it's then they encourage Bonnie to use her skill to find the other power, she does and takes them to the old grave yard in the old church with the tomb of the founders of Fells Church in it.
The night of Alaric's next student get together, the group all go, bonnie and Meredith down stairsElena and Damon in the attic. Meredith introduces Alaric to vampire Elena, after a little scuffle they realise Stefan is in danger as he has gone to meet Caroline. They all rush off to save him and it's good they do Damon turns into a wolf and holds off the adult men ready to kill him, Alaric makes the men see they are wrong and they leave. They then discuss what they think is going on with Alaric, he agrees to help them, they tell him to cancel the snow ball and if that isn't possible there has to be security.
Elena takes Stefan back to the boarding house to rest up, she had a terrible feeling that something has changed between them, while others things have got better, she can't really work it all out, Stefan encourages her to go and see Matt and talk to him as he has been acting oddly since the night in the dark room. She goes and talks with Matt and appologises for being a cow and how she treated him. Matt allows Elena to some more of his blood. The snow ball quickly arrives, Caroline is announced queen and all seems to be very quiet, it's then they encourage Bonnie to use her skill to find the other power, she does and takes them to the old grave yard in the old church with the tomb of the founders of Fells Church in it.
Thursday, 10 December 2009
The vampire diaries the fury by L.J Smith chapters 1-5
So Elena wakes up lost and confused she finds Stefan and Damon fighting in the woods, she pulls Stefan off of Damon and then surprisingly attacks him, it appears Elena has no memory of Stefan she seems to think she's in live with Damon. Stefan knows that Elena is a vampire and he knows she needs to feed on human blood to complete her transformation successfully. Matt is who he turns to helping Elena is what Matt has always done. Once fed Elena leaves with Damon leaving Stefan to face the grusome scene in the hut which is thankfully not so bad as the gang Stefan attacked to fill him up appear to still be alive. Elena wakes up in Alaric Saltzman's attic alone and confused, she can hear voices and goes to check what's going on, but she doesn't understand what she hears and she doesn't understand why she feels so afraid. Elena goes back to the attatic and reads her diary that helps her realise the blank spots in her memory, she has to see Stefan, leaving the attic she makes her way through empty streets passing the church she gets a need to go inside, sneaking into the choir stand she becomes witness to her own funeral and is upset by people she hardly knew speaking about her as if they were best friends. Stefan arrives and they share a moment until Damon arrives also, more strange things take place as a pack of dogs attack humans. It is then that Elena realises the danger Bonnie spoke about when she had visions wasn't Damon it's something a lot stronger than the three of them put together.
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
The vampire diaries the struggle by L.J Smith chapter 12 to end
Damon continues to play his part feeding from Elena and feeding her back with his own blood. Elena feels unsteady as founders day appoarches but she is happy after telling Stefan all about her missing diary they come up with a plan of how to get it back. Stefan feeds from her and likewise she feeds from him. As founders day arrives Elena knows where her diary is but it's impossible to get too, as the day drags on to the point where Elena's diary is going to be read out, Caroline realises the books have been swapped, Elena sees Damon in the audience, once the event is over she follows Damon outside, the meeting ends in Elena annoucing that she is engaged to Stefan. She then runs off borrows Matt's car and goes to the boarding house for Stefan but no one is there, Elena faces an attack from animal form Damon. Elena tries to drive off for saftey but Damon brings a tree down in her path, she remembers what Stefan had said about water, so she aims for wickery bridge but the bad weather and weight of the car is too much for the bridge and Elena is in serious trouble. Bonnie has a vision saves Stefan from Tyler and his gang and they go in search of elena finding her but it'd too late. In rage Stefan goes back to the hut and feeds on Tyler, Caroline and the other boys he changes into bird form and attacks Damon but is it enough! Elena comes too cold, with improved hearing, and thought patterns and a hunger for squrril but she has to follow the voices in her head.
The vampire diaries the struggle by L.J Smith chapters 6-12
Well Damon is hanging around like the perverbial bad smell through out these chapters. But firstly we meet the new history teacher who is to replace the recently departed Mr Tanner, Alaric Saltzman is young and good looking with a youthful way of seeing things, he tries to get the kids to talk about what happen to Mr Tanner but when that doesn't work so well, he invites them round to his place to discuss it in a more relaxed environment. Elena and Stefan are unsure about attending but with half their history grade depending on taking part they feel they too. At Alaric's place the house is buzzing with what appears to not be anything like chatting about poor Mr Tanner. Damon is present where again he tries to make a move on Elena, thankfully Stefan is there and pair quickly make their exits, as they leave Elena notices a piece if paper in her purse she takes it out and reads it, Stefan asks her about it but she tells him anything just so she hasn't got to talk about it. They spend time talking about how to kill Damon, then Elena goes back home in the saftey of her bedroom she rereads the not, which is an extract from her diary the diary that was stolen.
The following day at school another extract is pinned to a notice board and this forces Elena, to have to tell Meredith and Bonnie what is going on and express that Damon is the killer. From then on Stefan encourages Matt to drive down south so he can get Elena some vervain flowers, these flowers stop mind control from vampires. But while Stefan is away Elena stops at Bonnie's house, a place were Damon has been invited into a place were he know has control. He effects Elena's dreams something wakes her up, she is fighting and screaming at a big crow. Bonnie and her family get rid of the crow and Elena goes to clean herself up noticing that Damon has fed on her. Elena makes Bonnie come and stay at her house with her. Early the next morning Stefan arrives with the vervain Elena keeps a dry piece and places some in Bonnies bag. At school another diary extract is out in public viewing this time in the school paper. The girls work out that the diary isn't down to Damon but is instead down to Caroline there once good friend. At lunch Elena escapes to the dark room and over hears Caroline and Tyler talking through their plans of how to bring down Elena and run Stefan out of town on founders day. Elena tells Bonnie and Meredith what she heard and they plan to break into Caroline's house and take back the diary, which they do but the diary is impossible to find, they find and read Caroline's diary. The girls almost get caught and Elena is only saved by Damon, who says he will help Elena get her diary back if she will give him some blood and spend an hour alone with him, she refuses but has he gets her back down to ground he let's her know he will cash in his payment for savening her from getting caught.
Time moves on and it's thanks giving Elena invites Matt round for some food, when she arrives back home her day gets worse as Damon is in the house, it all goes pear shaped quickly but Elena knows she has to pay her debt to Damon and that she will pay it that night, then she realises something which makes her more comfortable and she waits for Damon, who without doubt arrives, but there's a problem he can't access her room because it's the old part of the house classed as another dwelling. Damo
is angry so he threats to hurt Margret , Elena can't let that happen she steps out of her saftey and Damon swoops in for her blood.
The following day at school another extract is pinned to a notice board and this forces Elena, to have to tell Meredith and Bonnie what is going on and express that Damon is the killer. From then on Stefan encourages Matt to drive down south so he can get Elena some vervain flowers, these flowers stop mind control from vampires. But while Stefan is away Elena stops at Bonnie's house, a place were Damon has been invited into a place were he know has control. He effects Elena's dreams something wakes her up, she is fighting and screaming at a big crow. Bonnie and her family get rid of the crow and Elena goes to clean herself up noticing that Damon has fed on her. Elena makes Bonnie come and stay at her house with her. Early the next morning Stefan arrives with the vervain Elena keeps a dry piece and places some in Bonnies bag. At school another diary extract is out in public viewing this time in the school paper. The girls work out that the diary isn't down to Damon but is instead down to Caroline there once good friend. At lunch Elena escapes to the dark room and over hears Caroline and Tyler talking through their plans of how to bring down Elena and run Stefan out of town on founders day. Elena tells Bonnie and Meredith what she heard and they plan to break into Caroline's house and take back the diary, which they do but the diary is impossible to find, they find and read Caroline's diary. The girls almost get caught and Elena is only saved by Damon, who says he will help Elena get her diary back if she will give him some blood and spend an hour alone with him, she refuses but has he gets her back down to ground he let's her know he will cash in his payment for savening her from getting caught.
Time moves on and it's thanks giving Elena invites Matt round for some food, when she arrives back home her day gets worse as Damon is in the house, it all goes pear shaped quickly but Elena knows she has to pay her debt to Damon and that she will pay it that night, then she realises something which makes her more comfortable and she waits for Damon, who without doubt arrives, but there's a problem he can't access her room because it's the old part of the house classed as another dwelling. Damo
is angry so he threats to hurt Margret , Elena can't let that happen she steps out of her saftey and Damon swoops in for her blood.
Monday, 7 December 2009
The vampire diaries the struggle by L.J Smith chapters 1-5
Following on from where awkening ended with the death of mr Tanner and Stefan's run in with Damon, Elena goes to school to find that her fellow students won't gain her eye running late Elena has to see if Stefan is in school she goes to his language class to look through the door but Stefan is no where to be seen. Elena goes to her trig class to face the hostility of her peers, she hears that no one has seen Stefan and the police went to his bed sit to talk to him and came to school but he wasn't here either, rumour has it that the police found Stefan's car and believe he has run off, hearing this Elena leaves class and goes to the old grave yard and shouts Damon the wind blows colder and Damon appears after some banter between the pair and Elena hitting Damon, Damon threats that the winter can be harsh and that he will gets what he wants he then says he has killed Stefan. As Elena goes off in hope of finding Stefan somewhere close to were his car was found the weather becomes impossible with snow and freezing conditions, Elena finds it diffcult to move she sits down beside the road and cuddles up to try and keep warm. Meredith and Bonnie luckily find a freezing Elena. Back at home the girls say they will spend the night with Elena, it seems very pre planned to make sure she doesn't run off to try and fins Srefan. Once in Elena's bedroom she takes Bonnie into using her powers to find Stefan. The girls sit around a candle and Elena focuses on Stefan, Bonnie comes through finding Stefan's thought pattern which leads to a cold dark and wet place with stones behind his back. He is thinking about his hunger and feeling sorry for himself with past events. Elena breaks the moment trying to stop him thinking about being a vampire. Still trance like Bonnie takes on a strange voice and tells Elena that her death awaits her in the grave yard. But she has to there to see if Stefan is by the river. The girls all agree to go with her, once there Bonnie says the place doesn't feel the way she felt it from Stefan's perspective. But they check the river all the same, as they go back to the car, they see a figure stood near it, scared they hide beside the river, until they realise it is Matt who has followed them, they share with him Bonnie's vision and he suggests a well on a disused farm. They go and find the well which has had it's cover moved they push it back and find a very weak Stefan pulling him out, then carrying him through the woods to the car. He's unconscious they carrying him up to his room in the bed sit and get him out of his wet clothes and settled on the bed. She encourages Bonnie, Matt and Meredith to go and get Mary to check Stefan over. Once they have gone Elena offers Stefan some blood as that is what he needs, he refuses but in the end she encourages him to do so, he feeds only to basic needs he's worried that she could turn. Once Mary checks on Stefan she says she would be happier if he saw a doctor but his pulse is strong and that with rest and keeping warm he should be ok. The last part of chapter five shows how the cold and saving Stefan has taken it out of Elena, as she is struggling to keep herself together.
Saturday, 5 December 2009
The vampire diaries by L.J Smith chapters 12-16
The relation between Elena and Stefan seems to be a little strained and with the accurence of an impossible stranger who just keeps turning up Elena is understandably tense. The planning for the haloween dance goes a head, Elena has had an expensive renassance dress made to impress Stefan. But impressing Stefan is the last of their problems when Mr Tanner is murdered on the Druid sacrificing table. The school turns against Stefan after being led to believe that only bad things have happened since he came to Fells Church. Matt finds an unconscious Stefan in the gym brings him round and helps him get out of school unnoticed. After staying long enough to talk to the police Elena escapse and goes to the boarding house to find Stefan, his room is empty but trashed she climbs up to the roof and witnesses his animal side as he feasts on a dove. Stefan tells Elena everything about his transformation what happen to Katherine and why he hates Damon. They realise that Mr Tanners death and the attack on Vickie is down to Damon. After there moment of honesty Stefan takes a nip of Elena's blood and she takes a small amount of his. Then Stefan does all he can and goes to face Damon. They both argue over Elena, and Damon almost drains Stefan, weakened he tries to go back to his car but he doesn't make it. Elena is worried when Stefan isn't at school and when Meredith tells her the police think he's run away because he's guilty. Elena makes a run for it and goes to the grave yard in search of Damon.
This story continues to be well written and it breaks a lot of the vampire myth which I like, the characters are so real and believeable I am looking forward to book two. Onto the Struggle.
This story continues to be well written and it breaks a lot of the vampire myth which I like, the characters are so real and believeable I am looking forward to book two. Onto the Struggle.
Friday, 4 December 2009
The vampire diaries by L.J Smith chapters 6-11
The story continues in the same fashion as the first five chapters, in this section we get the school dance, Elena has begged her ex Matt to get Stefan to attend the school dance. At the dance Elena has a gorgeous dress and is the named prom queen no one can refuse to dance with the prom queen, no one bit Stefan of course who is at the dance with Caroline, upset Elena ends up going to grave yard with Tyler Smallwood, Vickie and Dick. After Elena has a scary moment in the disused church Tyler takes Elena out into the old grave yard, were he shows his true colours and tries to rape Elena. Stefan comes to the rescue and from that moment on Elena and Stefan are an item. Though Stefan can't be sure he didn't hurt Vickie in the church, Stefan knows the power Elena has over him and worries he could drain the woman he loves, during this an unknown stranger older man makes an appearence and tries to get Elena under his spell.
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
The vampire diaries by L.J Smith chapters 1-5
I love vampire books and this is not let down, I have to warn you that if you have seen the tv show , the book is very different the characters are discribed differently and the book has some different characters to the tv show.
But the book is well written and that put together with the characters who are real and believable. The chapters are quite long so there is a lot to say about what happens, first of all Elena comes back from France where she has spent the summer after her parents died in a tragic car accident. Elena is the queen of school every girl wants to be her and every boy wants to be with her. Every boy except the new boy Stefan Salvator which makes Elena need to get to know this boy who just hasn't noticed her. Of course there is a reason that Stefan is being stand offish Elena reminds him of his ex Katherine, the girl who broke his heart, the girl who changed him completly, the girl who turned him from mortal to immortal.
I do truly love this book it is so well written and brilliantly thought through, there is so much feeling in the story, you can feel Elena's feelings towards Stefan and Stefan's feelings towards Elena. Also it has a great way of creating tension and suspense, my favourite example of this is when after a bad attempt of talking to Stefan, Elena runs to parents grave to cry have a release. Her friends Bonnie and Meredith come to find her, they make plan b regarding Stefan and chat away until it gets dark, the girls walk back through woods towards home, feeling nervous and tense Bonnie stops a different voice comes from her as she stares into the distance and announces "Elena someone is waiting in the shadows for you" terrified the girls run in fear they are being followed, once across the bridge they know they are safe.
Its such a great ending to the chapter I loved it, for a it to end that way especially has the first few chapters was about Elena's self loving and Stefan's battle with his animal instincts.
But the book is well written and that put together with the characters who are real and believable. The chapters are quite long so there is a lot to say about what happens, first of all Elena comes back from France where she has spent the summer after her parents died in a tragic car accident. Elena is the queen of school every girl wants to be her and every boy wants to be with her. Every boy except the new boy Stefan Salvator which makes Elena need to get to know this boy who just hasn't noticed her. Of course there is a reason that Stefan is being stand offish Elena reminds him of his ex Katherine, the girl who broke his heart, the girl who changed him completly, the girl who turned him from mortal to immortal.
I do truly love this book it is so well written and brilliantly thought through, there is so much feeling in the story, you can feel Elena's feelings towards Stefan and Stefan's feelings towards Elena. Also it has a great way of creating tension and suspense, my favourite example of this is when after a bad attempt of talking to Stefan, Elena runs to parents grave to cry have a release. Her friends Bonnie and Meredith come to find her, they make plan b regarding Stefan and chat away until it gets dark, the girls walk back through woods towards home, feeling nervous and tense Bonnie stops a different voice comes from her as she stares into the distance and announces "Elena someone is waiting in the shadows for you" terrified the girls run in fear they are being followed, once across the bridge they know they are safe.
Its such a great ending to the chapter I loved it, for a it to end that way especially has the first few chapters was about Elena's self loving and Stefan's battle with his animal instincts.
Friday, 27 November 2009
The Mistress by Martine McCutcheon- chapter 17- the end
Ok These last chapters really race on in speed, which in turn looses story content and you loose the will to live. It starts off that Mandy comes back from Paris after a romantic liason with Tommy a Italian Photographer, she ignores Jake completely and ends up going to LA to do this party that her work has been putting together, some how god only knows how, Jake happens to be there and the couple get it back together, it has to be doomed right? Jake leaves his wife and sets up home with mandy who finds out she's pregnant, then quickly has the baby Bonnie, but she finds it difficult having Jake around all the time and encourages him to go back to live with his wife, so they can continue to play the Mistress game, obviously there is nothing going on with his wife he just lives in the house with her and stuff. I thought it started to get pointless way before this but I really lost the care to finish it once she found out she was pregnant. I did however finish the book and I am glad to be at the end and be on to reading the next book now. I didn't rate it at all, let me know what you guys thought.
Thursday, 26 November 2009
The mistess by Martine McCutcheon chapters 11-17
Still not loving the book it's a good story, but very unhappening the past few chapters have built a more rounded story for Jake and Mandy's relationship as it looks fated to end after Mandy's sister Olivia tries to take her own life after her husband wants to marry his mistress. Then Mandy spots Jake with his beautiful wife Helen, which throws another spanner in the works, after Mandy's job promotion Mandy decides a holiday away with her sister is what is needed. Jake though has other plans and wants to take Mandy to Paris. Against her better judgment Mandy postpones her trip with Olivia to go to Paris. Jake then stands Mandy up, what exactly is he playing at? A new love in Paris may beckon for Mandy. I hope it's a happily ever after for Mandy without Jake.
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
The mistress by Martine McCutcheon chapters 6--11
The story developes further and is done rather quickly, Mandy comes to her senses about her fling with Jake when she sees her sisters husband with his mistess. It appears that friends and family all have advice for Mandy, her friends come over to offer supportas an allout arguement breaks out between Assia and Deena. The story goes on to suggest that if your mate sets you up on a blind date you should avoid it at all costs. After a very disturbing blind date, Mandy starts up her affair with Jake. The writing still seems to be held back like she is too afraid to say what she really feels which is really disappinting sadly.
Thursday, 19 November 2009
The mistress by Martine McCutcheon chapters 1-5
I love how this book starts, it's kind of sex and the city with how it starts, for me though there is a bit too much ellipsis in it, I totally understand why it's there, to give the characters more of a 3 dimensional aspect but I find that a bit boring. Mandy as a character is believeable and who wouldn't want job like Mandy's as a party planner for the rich and famous. Mandy's first meeting with Jake is really sweet I liked how that was written but as their romance develops quickly I expected my detail on the sex stuff, maybe it's just me whising it was a black lace novel, but for me it started well and then just felt like Martine had lost her nerve to make it really steamy. Maybe it's me but if you're going to write smut at least write it like your comfortable with it.
If anyone else has comments to make about the book please do I am off to read the next five chapters.
If anyone else has comments to make about the book please do I am off to read the next five chapters.
Monday, 16 November 2009
Up and coming reads
Hi everyone
I hope loads of people get involved in this. I have wanted to join a book or readers group for ages, and never been able to find one at a time that suits me. So here goes at starting my own, so join in have your say and suggest books for us to read.
I have to admit to being a Reading junkie so I get through books pretty quick but please take Reading in your own time, it's not a race I promise.
I have three books so these will be the first to go through:
The Mistress by Martine McCutcheon

Buy the Mistress from Amazon: The Mistress

Vampire Diaries volume 1 the awakening and the struggle by L.J Smith
But The Vampire Diaries from amazon:The Vampire Diaries Volume 1

Vampire Diaries volume 2 the fury and the reunion by L.J Smith
Buy the Vampire Diaries from amazon: The Vampire Diaries Volume 2
You can read the first two Vampire diaries books online for free here: The Vampire Diaries
I will make comments chapter by chapter depending on chapter size there maybe a few chapters grouped together, please leave your thoughts on what I say and what you think about the books and happy Reading.
I hope loads of people get involved in this. I have wanted to join a book or readers group for ages, and never been able to find one at a time that suits me. So here goes at starting my own, so join in have your say and suggest books for us to read.
I have to admit to being a Reading junkie so I get through books pretty quick but please take Reading in your own time, it's not a race I promise.
I have three books so these will be the first to go through:
The Mistress by Martine McCutcheon

Buy the Mistress from Amazon: The Mistress

Vampire Diaries volume 1 the awakening and the struggle by L.J Smith
But The Vampire Diaries from amazon:The Vampire Diaries Volume 1

Vampire Diaries volume 2 the fury and the reunion by L.J Smith
Buy the Vampire Diaries from amazon: The Vampire Diaries Volume 2
You can read the first two Vampire diaries books online for free here: The Vampire Diaries
I will make comments chapter by chapter depending on chapter size there maybe a few chapters grouped together, please leave your thoughts on what I say and what you think about the books and happy Reading.
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
Fire and Rayne by Kate Cann
I've been a Kate Cann fan for too long to remember, she has inspired me to write and capitivated me with her stories for years, so I never turn down the chance to read her work. This book is stunning, I felt every bit of the fear as it builds. If you read possesing Rayne you'll know what I'm talking about, this book carries on what the first book started and gives you so much more, with a few surprises. I loved it!
Kate Cann is awsome and her books are too! If you love a good spooky read or are a fan of the Twilight saga you have to read this book.
Kate Cann is awsome and her books are too! If you love a good spooky read or are a fan of the Twilight saga you have to read this book.
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