Friday, 20 August 2010

Passion by Louise Bagshaw

Three pages and i gave up on it, but i might be tempted to go back and try again, i don't think its going to be my kind of book and i am going through a stage where i have had one book that i just adored and now no book can match it. so i am going to return to this one.

vampire academy by Rachelle mead

I have to say i gave up on this book, i didn't even read my usual 100 pages i just couldn't force my brain into it, it wouldn't have it so i have to give this book a big thumbs down.

Monday, 16 August 2010

pictures of lily by paige toon

I love this book, with Paige Toon you know that any book of hers that you read, you're going to love it. I was so excited to read this book and it didn;t disapoint either, it was well worth the wait.  This book goes to show that you shouldn't give up on the man your in love with, the story is a truely great little love story and it keeps you on the right path as to wondering if it all comes together nicely. I have to say from the the first time Ben was introduced into the story, i wanted him to get together with  Lily.

I don't want to ruin the story for anyone as its really great, all i can say is pick it up and read it, i think you just might love it lots as well.

Sunday, 8 August 2010

Art's Story by Kate Cann

Buy Art's Story

So the long awaited 4th book to the diving in serise has finally landed, i totally loved these books as a teen, diving in was the second only book that i had ever read from cover to cover and loved every second of the story. Kate Cann's books changed my life as a teen and i still enjoy reading then 11 years later.  Art's story fills in the blanks and answers the questions as to why ~Art is the way he is. Its a cracking little book and a nice soothing read, You can't hate Art as much as he's full of himself he's still lovable and you just know Coll's so good for him. This book aso give you the answers that in the Deep end left you hanging for. I just kind of wish you got more of a fluffy ending than a note saying what had gone for for the two of them after leaving uni, maybe there good be a book five being the adult or something where we can have the wedding and the birth of their baby, in a bit more detail.

I still loved the book, as i always do with Kate's books, i really hope this does well for Kate as she has released this herself on her own terms and its a great little story.

Rock Chicks by Ronnie Cooper

Where do i start with Rock chicks? I thought this book would have been awesome, as a bit of a Rock chick myself, but its true what they say never judge a book by its cover. I had to keep reading this book in hope it would get less confusing, it wasn't a bad story but it was hard to follow, there was too many peopel who all had to have a say and it was really difficult follow, but once you were into the characters know who you liked, who you hated (Sly Rammer) and who you just felt sorry for (Marney Tucker). it wasn't so bad, to be fair i guess it was a clear representation of a rockstars life, sex, drugs and rock and roll, just more of the sex and drugs than the rock and roll in the case of the steel spikes. You get everything from their deeply passionate manager Lori Wyatt, To their scum bag record company big wig, the hookers, the groupies and dealers. Oh and don't forget the woman who Sly ran out on, ot there wedding day, who has a serious axe to grind and when the story get decent in like 3 chapters from the end, we see Gloria grinding that axe, with a single gun shot to Sly's head, lets face it he'd been asking for some one to pop him all the way through, such a shame the author saved it until the second to last chapter. Its dark, really dark, its sick in more ways than one, its really confusing but its also capitvating and i think that is what makes you want to get to end just to find out what the hell it all means!

Monday, 2 August 2010

shadowland by Alyson Noel

Do you know i have written a really long review of this in a note book and now i have misplaced the note book, always useful, so i appologise for this book review being rubbish but i have lost the will to have to work my way through it again!

I thought Shadowlands was really disapointing, i expected better after Evermore and Blue Moon, And nothing happened by chapter 36 of 48 your wondering what the hell has happened from the first page this one and the true answer is nothing, the action if you can call it that happens in about half a chapter i do believe believe its chapter 47, but its just not as thrilling as the past books, i hope the next one picks up or i really will be annoyed. Its not a bad read, there's nothing at all wrong with the story or the characters its just very samey and nothing really happens, you do have to read it though if your following the immortals saga, the little action that does happen i guess will lead on in Dark Flame.

Here's hoping for lots better in dark flame when it is released in a few weeks