Book 10 of the true blood stories and though its a great as all the other books nothing really exciting happens until the last few pages, i seem to do really well at finding the new moon book of every author i read and this one though a good read and plenty mental images of Eric Naked is just a bit new moon.
So what can i tell you about the story well Sookie is recovering for the fairy war, her house mate Amelie leaves to go back to New Orelans after Katerina and then Claude comes to stay, Claude being Sookie's fairy cousin. Sookie sees Bill who is still struggling to recover from his silver poisioning he got during the fairy war, he seems to be refusing to contact his sibling that his maker created for him, this sibling being the only thing who could save him after since his maker was killed.
So Sookie goes about making herself try to find Bills Sibling, who she seems to find very quiickly, then erics maker turns up with his new sibling, who is part of the russian royal family who saw his whole family be murdered, but Ocella manages to save him, thing is Alexi is far more damaged than could ever be believed and he's crazed, as it comes to a close Eric is at a loss as what to do next to stop the crazed Alexi, who has attacked Eric, Pam, killed the barmaid and Eric's day guy. Sookie goes back to her place to see the crazed Alexi with a face off with Claudine's ex and Claude, the battle continue's Octella ends up dead, and so does Alexi along with Claudine's ex. thats the biggest bit of action in the book, but i would say there is going to be a book 11